Doa Netizen Bagi NTT: “Stay Strong and Stay Safe Everyone!!
redaksi - Minggu, 04 April 2021 21:39
JAKARTA ( - Bencana hujan badai dan bajir badang yang menerjang Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) mendapat perhatian luar biasa dari netizen, baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Hingga pukul 22.00 WIB, telah dari 33 ribu tweet di bawah hastag #PrayforNTT" . Mereka pada umumnya menyatakan simpati, turut berduka dan menyatakan dukungan moral serta berdoa bagi warga NTT yang terkena musibah.
Para netizen pada umumnya mengungkapkan rasa simpatinya atas musibah tersebut dengan berbagai cara. Ada yang sampai membatalkan keikutsertaanya pada suatu acara pesta karena alasan berduka atas musibah tersebut.
Pemiliki wilma ᵕ̈@vkookprple menulis “sending my deepest condolences” #prayforNTT.
Clowneebebe@IM_gustiantiwi menulis "Oh God... This is so sad please, stay safe y'all #prayforNTT
Sementara, ian T. Simangunsong@diantama: “Floods and landslides has occurred in some of regencies of East Nusa Tenggara. There are dead and missing people, destroyed bridge and houses. We need to shout this out loud, so the govt can evacuate&send the rescue team faster,” #Kupang Regency#prayforNTT
Kemudian apiw@hepipeople7 menulis: " floading disaster sending all my prayers to everyone in NTT, hopefully always in God's protection and the situation will get better as soon as possible. please stay safe everyone! Pray for Nusa Tenggara Timur #prayforNTT
May@mayezty, mentweet begini “Stay strong and stay safe everyone!! Hope my friend stay safe too, idk where he is but I hope he's okay” #prayforNTT
Pemilik akun yoyo@PAKSYH95, men-tweett begini: “I heard sad news today. I'm sorry about what happened. I hope things get better soon. May everyone be in God's protection, including my beloved iKONIC. Stay strong for all victims. My heart is with you Indonesians, and all indonesian iKONIC.”#prayforNTT
Sementara itu aespa Indonesia Union@AESPAINAUNION menulis "indo mys is about stop dropping the tags for now bcs we had tragedy in NTT which it’s also part of Indonesia. Sending all prayers to everyone in NTT. hope the situation will get better, please stay safe. #prayforNTT
Dengan emoji wajah berlinang ari mata, ella #ssw1@romseullesending all my prayers to all people in NTT. i hope everyone is safe and always in God's protection and the situation will get better as soon as possible #PrayForNTT
Ucapan doa juga disampaikan pemiliki akn twitter, nata'@winblublu. Dia mentweet, “Sending my prayers for everyone there. Be safe #prayforNTT”.
Dorine Istimawarum @dorine7273 Sending my prayers for everyone in NTT. May Allah always protect you. Stay safe #prayforNTT.
cill@jaemvoirs menulis "i think its better to stop dropping any hts tonight due to what happened in NTT, let us all pray for them, hope that everyone stay safe and may the situation will get better soon #prayforNTT'.
Pemilik akun @kijoringyoshi. collect heart on choaedeol bahkan mengajak "If you want to donation for Sumba and Adonara NTT, you can donation here. Stay safe everyone #PrayForNTT #BanjirNTT #banjir #Indonesia. (MLA)